A person that study architecture needs perceverance, creativity, huge amounts of determination for not giving up everything every week, needs to be able of talking to somebody for explaining his idea and if necesary, be able to defend it against other arguments, but also needs flexibility when tries to integrate new variables in this idea, needs to learn to administrate his money, knows the limits of endurance that his body has when speaking of sleeping time, knows the kind of thing that needs to eat for saving time and last longer awake and healthy, the hability to put in pause a proyect while working in another and realice in that moment that doing this you always get new ideas for the first one, and finally (but not less important, and i have probably forgot a few) need to know how to relax, choose days to say for real "today i'm not doing anything", leave a few day in the mont to see your family and friends, this is fundamental for not going nuts.